Friday, August 11, 2006


I told you it was illegal! Two former AIPAC lobbyists are being prosecuted for disclosing classified information to 'reporters and foreign diplomats.' They tried to argue that the Espionage Act was uncontitutionally vague, and a federal judge smacked them down.

We need more of this.

Also, and thanks to Tigerhawk for the initial tip, here is a convenient, simple list of modern leftist hypocracies of modern times.
The antiwar Left wants to wield American power. The jihadists want to destroy it … and us. All of us.

The antiwar Left has a conveniently flexible moral compass. Consequently, the Clinton era Echelon program was fine, but Bush’s NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program is an impeachable offense.

Mishandling classified information by a Clinton CIA director was worthy of a pardon, and destroying classified information (and lying to investigators about it) by a former Clinton national-security adviser was worthy of a pass, but leaking the unremarkable fact that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA is the crime of the century.

Bombing Kosovo without U.N. approval was a moral imperative; invading Iraq after over a dozen U.N. resolutions is a violation of international law.

Renditions conducted between 1994 and 2000 were just good national-security sense; renditions conducted between 2001 and 2006 are war crimes.

Indicting Osama bin Laden in 1998 and then doing nothing to capture him while he bombed two American embassies and an American naval destroyer, killing hundreds, was aggressive yet intelligently modulated counterterrorism; allowing Osama bin Laden to evade capture in Tora Bora while killing and capturing hundreds of his operatives and decimating his hierarchy is irresponsibly incompetent.

Wet fingers firmly in the wind, the Left looks you in the eye and tells you that what is depends on what the definition of “is” is, then votes for it before voting against it. The object of the game is power, and they are willing to gamble, even with our lives, to get it or keep it.
There are some other things that could be in there, like canceling a CIA operation designed to capture OBL at the last minute because someone might get killed, but overall a decent rundown. And some Democrats honestly wonder why no one but they themselves will trust them with defense and security issues.

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