Friday, August 25, 2006

Eteraz , in response to a commenter

Assistant Village Idiot asked me earlier to give an opinion on this blog. So I looked it over.

I didn't spend a whole lot of time there, maybe 30 minutes scanning this post and that. I was impressed at this one (coincidentally the 1st post when I went there) because of the research and effort to find the facts, and this one for its honesty, some things somewhat lacking in much of the blogosphere. So it seems that Eteraz is capable of and willing to present rational thought backed up by hard information. However, his whole blog seems to be infused with a kind of victim complex and sort-of-subtle self righteousness, or sense of moral superiority. Like here. It starts out like a reasonable post, but then kind of rambles into a "I'm such an outsider, pity me" story, and ends up implying the need for the acceptance and embrace of exactly the kinds of fanatics he began the post denouncing as insatiable and aggressive for whom a welcoming embrace is only another step on the path to instituting theocracy. A weird twist on the self-pity thing here.

Worthwhile, esp. if you care about Pakistan and/or modern Islamic issues.

Odd; the word 'scais' in his title blurb doesn't seem to exist in French... I've gotten 0 hits on 4 translators.


A. Eteraz said...

so im at someone's house and i was just going through my blog and saw ur link and decided to come over.

interesting comments. im going to abstain from saying much about the victimology assertions since you seem to believe that self-evaluation and disclosure is a "weird twist on the self-pity" thing. obviously i disagree.

what i would really like to know, however, is how you came to learn about "his whole blog" in "maybe 30 minutes."?

as to the french word, the reason you cannot find it is because nowadays its spelled without the c.

the spelling used on my blog is the spelling used by montaigne.

its his famous quote.

im a bit amused by the fact that a military man listed marion zimmer bradley as his favorite author.

wish you well.


Dawnfire82 said...

"what i would really like to know, however, is how you came to learn about "his whole blog" in "maybe 30 minutes."? "

Because in the 30 minutes I was there, I saw the theme continuously repeated. I suppose it's possible that I just happened to see the only parts of it to give off that 'vibe,' but it's unlikely.

"im a bit amused by the fact that a military man listed marion zimmer bradley as his favorite author."

Just because I'm in the Army doesn't mean that I'm some sort of simple brute, after all. I'll have to go update my profile info now... I believe it's quite sparse.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Thank you.