Sunday, August 06, 2006

Mandatory Lebanon Opinion

I actually got a comment talking about how someone quoted me on a respectable blog (The Belmont Club) so I have some motivation to write something today. I reckon I'll say something about the Israeli/Hezb Allah thing since I think that it's mandated by law that I have to. It's in the Geneva Conventions. (saw the Ballad of Ricky Bobby the other night... entertaining and not as silly as I thought it would be)

I really don't think the current situation (as far as Israelis and Americans are concerned) is all that different from the one in 1982. Terrorist organization launches attack, after attack, after attack across the border and finally, in a moment of utmost stupidity, kidnaps Israeli troops what, two weeks after Israel invaded Gaza because Hamas kidnapped some Israeli troops? So the IDF moves to stomp Hezb Allah into the dirt. Completely predictable, and completely justifiable. The whinings and bitchings of pacifists, Islamists, and leftists aside, Hezb Allah has had this coming. It's unfortunate that other Lebanese will suffer too, but that's what happens when you let a terrorist faction establish a mini-state within your borders and then launch raids into hostile powers; they're eventually going to retaliate.

An aside on all the people condemning Israel for causing civilian deaths... Never mind. It isn't worth my time. Instead, go here to see how Hezb Allah runs things in Lebanon, here for proof that they fight from civilian areas, and here to see how they are purposefully using other ethinic and religious groups as human shields against their will, with some more details here, including their willingness to kill fellow Lebanese who don't allow them to use their homes and churches. Here are accounts of Hezb Allah fighters using UN posts as shields also. It might also benefit some of you people to go here and actually READ documents that many people like to talk about, but almost no one has so much as looked at.

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