Friday, December 09, 2005

A legend is born...

I suppose the best way to kick off my first post is to introduce myself. I'm a soldier in the US Army, married, with one dog and no kids. I don't technically have degrees in Middle Eastern Studies and International Relations yet, but I tell everyone that I do because all I've really got left to go are a foreign language (which I'm studying now) and bullshit electives to fill out credit hours. If I tried, I could get a History degree as well, but I don't think I will any time soon. I'm originally from Texas, but currently stationed on the West Coast. I'm not a Republican, but I really hate the Democrats. I'm a lifelong gamer, meaning Roleplaying Games, Wargames, Card Games, whatever. I have neither the time nor the inclination to dredge through obscure Internet sites looking for tidbits of scandal and what not for which bloggers have become famous. You're far more likely to get opinions or analysis out of me than news.

Oh, as for my Weblog title I flipped through one of my Qu'rans looking for something to jump out at me, and the phrase "Black Faced Sinner" did. Since I tend to be irreligious anyway, I thought it appropriate. I suppose I can always change it later if I really feel like it.

That'll do. I'll go look for some current event to post and act all indignant and outraged about so that y'all feel at home.

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